Volunteering Opportunities
Christ the King School welcomes the opportunity to have parents volunteer.
In accordance with the St. Louis Archdiocese, all adults overseeing student groups (teams, scouts, etc.) are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop and register with Prevent and Protect (click here).
Home & School Association
The Home and School Association is a multi-purpose organization that is primarily responsible for fundraising and organizing volunteers for the multiple events that happen throughout the school year. Volunteers are needed to staff the Home and School Association’s Board. The association holds several meeting each year, and are open to all school and parish families. The association has the following positions staffed by volunteers:
- Director or Co-Directors
- Director(s) Elect (moves to director position the next year)
- Treasurer
- Special Projects Coordinator
- Secretary
- Social Committee
- Room Parent Coordinator
In addition to these opportunities, there are dozens of additional events we need assistance with, such as Black History Month, International Day, Career Day, Grandparents’ Day, Donuts with Dads, Muffins with Moms, Field Day, etc. We can not achieve all we do without parents’ help, and YOU receive the full benefits of belonging in the amazing CKS family!
School Board
The purpose of the school board is to advise the Pastor and Principal during the process of reviewing and creating policies for Christ the King School programs. Volunteers from the school and parish communities staff the school board for a three-year term. The volunteer time commitment primarily involves attending the monthly meetings and staffing the annual registration process and the November Open House held for the purpose of marketing the school.
Room Parents
Room parents are volunteers used in each grade to complete several necessary and helpful tasks. One parent in each classroom will take a lead role to work with the teacher and disseminate information to the other classroom, room parent volunteers. The general duties involved in volunteering as a room parent include:
- Help organize classroom parties.
- Organize field trips if the teacher requests assistance.
- Communicate with the Home and School Association about any school-related issues.
- Help organize one of the monthly teachers’ lunches in the month assigned to the class.
- Help teachers with anything else they’d like to do to make it a great year for the class and school.
Sign-up sheets are posted at the annual Back to School Night. if you are interested in becoming a room parent you may contact the classroom teacher or the room parent coordinator with the Home and School Association.
The goal of the Christ the King athletic association is to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to participate in athletics and by doing so, develop discipline and respect, build character, and gain an understanding of the value of teamwork. The goal of the Christ the King Athletic Association is to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to participate in athletics and, by doing so, develop discipline and respect, build character, and gain an understanding of the value of teamwork. Volunteers are needed to staff the athletic association and to coach each grade’s team.
Fall Sports
Outdoor Soccer:
Grades K-8 for boys and girls
Soccer Coordinator:
Jeremy Stith 314-324-8265
Grades 3-8 for boys and girls
Volleyball Coordinator:
Kirk Wonio 314-320-0407
Winter Sports
Grades 2-8 for boys and girls
Basketball Coordinator:
John Richmond 314-560-2303
Indoor Soccer:
Grades K-8 for boys and girls
Indoor Soccer Coordinator:
Jeremy Stith 314-324-8265
Spring Sports
Grade K for boys and girls
Tee-Ball Coordinator:
Troy Woytek 314-779-4697
Baseball and Softball:
Grades 1-8 for boys and girls
Baseball and Softball Coordinator:
Troy Woytek 314-779-4697
Library Aide
Christ the King has a school library open to children in grades K through 8 on Mondays. The library is entirely staffed by volunteers who perform a variety of tasks. A library volunteer can work during the open hours of 9-11:30 am and 12:45-2:30 p.m. every Monday to help children check in current library books, find new books and check out their new choices. A volunteer also helps with re-shelving, repairing, or cataloging books. Contact the school office if interested.
Field Trip Assistants
Adult volunteers are often needed to attend field trips, assisting with student supervision. Contact a classroom teacher for additional information when permission slips come home for field trips if you are interested in assisting.
Boy Scouts
Christ the King School offers Boy scouting programs starting in the first grade. The program strives to build character, teach participatory citizenship, and help develop personal fitness.
The children participate in action-oriented programs that fulfill the goals of scouting. The council’s four area camps offer the scouts more than 8,000 acres of wilderness for a wide variety of outdoor programs including camping, hiking, swimming, boating, rappelling, rock climbing, ropes courses, and horseback riding.
Our programs are conducted under the guidance of the Greater St. Louis Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Archdiocese Catholic Committee for Scouting. We offer Cub Scouts for boys ages 6 to 10, Boy Scouts for boys ages 11 to 18, and Venture Scouts for children (boys and girls) ages 14 through 20.
Christ the King parish and school has three scouting units:
Cub Scout Pack 591:
- First Grade: Tiger Scouts
- Second Grade: Wolf Scouts
- Third Grade: Bear Scouts
- Fourth and Fifth Grade: Webelos Scouts
- Fifth Grade: Transition to Boy Scout Troop 591
Boy Scout Troop 591:
Our Boy Scout program begins after our Cub Scouts transition to our troop in the fifth grade. We offer a continuous, adventure-filled program that includes camping, rock climbing, rappelling, horseback riding, leadership, advancement, backpacking, canoeing and friendships.
Contact Fred Scherrer 314-452-3630 for additional information on the scouting programs.
Girl Scouts
Christ the King School offers Girl Scouting programs starting in kindergarten. The program encourages skill building and responsibility and promotes the development of strong leadership and decision-making skills.
All program activities are age-appropriate and based on four program goals: developing self-potential, relating to others, developing values, and contributing to society, as well as on the Girl Scout promise and law. The scouts at Christ the King participate in activities ranging from earning badges and selling cookies to assisting the elderly of our parish. The group completes service projects in the community, goes camping, and has a lot of fun.
The school offers the following Girl Scout programs:
- Daisy Scouts in Kindergarten
- Brownie Scouts in grades 1 through 3
- Junior Scouts in grades 4 through 6
- Cadette Scouts in grades 7 and 8
Equations Math Club
“Equations” is a game of creative math for children grades 3 through 8 that provides players with practice in arithmetic operations. One or more adult volunteers are needed to coach each grade level. The game assists in developing an understanding of number concepts, number systems, factors and primes, order of operations, and simple algebraic equations. The “Equations” club provides children at Christ the King with an opportunity to learn in a challenging and enjoyable environment, to experience the joy of friendly competition, and to test their math skills in a creative game. The players do not need to be math whiz kids to play; the game requires many skills beyond those in math. “Equations” players in each grade will gather weekly to play the game. Teams will be formed. An optional competition is held in early March at which teams from Christ the King can compete against other St. Louis area teams.
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee of Christ the King School helps to integrate technology into the educational process in such a way that each student is prepared to effectively utilize computers, the Internet and the latest technology in their learning, and to be technically capable. Integrating technology in the educational process will improve student achievement, encourage communication and provide broader access to information.
The committee consists of a technology coordinator, parents, and parishioners with varying degrees of technical expertise to provide assistance to the school principal to plan, evaluate, recommend, implement and evaluate technology-related acquisitions and programs within the school. Please contact the school office for more information.