Student Activities
The extracurricular program at Christ the King School is designed to enhance and support the school’s mission and philosophy. Competitive as well as cooperative opportunities are provided to meet the various needs and interests of the students. Participation in the extracurricular program presents students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and heighten their awareness of the need to render service to others.

“We were struck by the strong educational curriculum and also the many enrichment opportunities beyond that like Girls on the Run, Athletics, Scouts and other after school programs.”
Jan Ulm
The goal of the Christ the King athletic association is to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to participate in athletics. By doing so, develop discipline and respect, build character, and understand the value of teamwork.
Christ the King participates in the CYC leagues. Learn more about the CYC sports at https://playcyc.org/
Fall Sports
Outdoor Soccer:
Grades K-8 for boys and girls
Soccer Coordinator:
Jake Wiseman
Grades 3-8 for boys and girls
Volleyball Coordinator:
Kirk Wonio
Winter Sports
Grades 2-8 for boys and girls
Basketball Coordinator:
John Cooper
Spring Sports
Grade K for boys and girls
Tee-Ball Coordinator:
Troy Woytek
Baseball and Softball:
Grades 1-8 for boys and girls
Baseball and Softball Coordinator:
Kirk Wonio
Bellarmine Speech Club
The speech league provides a fun, yet challenging opportunity for students grades 5th through 8th to write and perform speeches at competitions held during the school year. The children can choose to perform a humorous, duet, or serious speech.
There are a total of four scheduled speech meets throughout the school year.
Children's Choir
Christ the King Parish has two choirs for children who love to sing. The choirs are divided by age. Children in grades 3 through 5 form the first choir. Children in grades 6 through 8 form the second.
All Christ the King Parish and schoolchildren are welcome to join. The children’s choirs do not require auditions. School choirs may be asked to perform at either the Saturday 5 PM Mass or at an occasional Sunday morning Mass.
Contact the choir director, Ms. Dawn Riske, at 314-721-8737 for additional information.
Equations Math Club
“Equations” is a game of creative math for children grades 3 through 8 that provides players with practice in arithmetic operations. The game assists in developing an understanding of number concepts, number systems, factors and primes, order of operations, and simple algebraic equations.
The “Equations” club provides children at Christ the King with an opportunity to learn in a challenging and enjoyable environment, to experience the joy of friendly competition, and to test their math skills in a creative game.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a positive youth development program that combines an interactive curriculum and running to inspire self-respect and healthy lifestyles in pre-teen girls. The curriculum addresses many aspects of girls’ development – their physical, emotional, mental and social well-being. Lessons provide girls with the tools to make positive decisions and to avoid risky adolescent behaviors.
To learn more about GOTR, contact CKS Parent, Teresa Bayer 314-471-1005.
School Newspaper
If your child is interested in writing and journalism, they can join the group that publishes the school newspaper titled “Christ the King Chronicle.”
Faculty sponsors, CKS parents, and students jointly publish a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter contains information about what’s happening at the school along with special articles and interviews written by the students.
Boy Scouts
Christ the King School offers Boy scouting programs starting in the first grade. The program strives to build character, teach participatory citizenship, and help develop personal fitness.
The children participate in action-oriented programs that fulfill the goals of scouting. The council’s four area camps offer the scouts more than 8,000 acres of wilderness for a wide variety of outdoor programs including camping, hiking, swimming, boating, rappelling, rock climbing, ropes courses, and horseback riding.
Our programs are conducted under the guidance of the Greater St. Louis Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Archdiocese Catholic Committee for Scouting. We offer Cub Scouts for boys ages 6 to 10, Boy Scouts for boys ages 11 to 18, and Venture Scouts for children (boys and girls) ages 14 through 20.
Christ the King parish and school has three scouting units:
Cub Scout Pack 591:
- First Grade: Tiger Scouts
- Second Grade: Wolf Scouts
- Third Grade: Bear Scouts
- Fourth and Fifth Grade: Webelos Scouts
- Fifth Grade: Transition to Boy Scout Troop 591
Boy Scout Troop 591:
Our Boy Scout program begins after our Cub Scouts transition to our troop in the fifth grade. We offer a continuous, adventure-filled program that includes camping, rock climbing, rappelling, horseback riding, leadership, advancement, backpacking, canoeing and friendships.
Contact Fred Scherrer 314-452-3630 for additional information on the scouting programs.
Girl Scouts
Christ the King School offers Girl Scouting programs starting in kindergarten. The program encourages skill building and responsibility and promotes the development of strong leadership and decision-making skills.
All program activities are age-appropriate and based on four program goals: developing self-potential, relating to others, developing values, and contributing to society, as well as on the Girl Scout promise and law. The scouts at Christ the King participate in activities ranging from earning badges and selling cookies to assisting the elderly of our parish. The group completes service projects in the community, goes camping, and has a lot of fun.
The school offers the following Girl Scout programs:
- Daisy Scouts in Kindergarten
- Brownie Scouts in grades 1 through 3
- Junior Scouts in grades 4 through 6
- Cadette Scouts in grades 7 and 8
Student Council
If your child is interested in learning about the democratic process and leadership, then student council may be his or her organization.
The purpose of the Christ the King student council is to serve as a democratic method for all school citizens to have “a say” in the operation of the school. The student council helps to keep the students, the principal, and the teachers informed of each other’s ideas, needs, and opinions.
The student council’s primary responsibilities are to provide opportunities for service and to plan fun activities with their monitors and school principal for the enjoyment of the student body and to maintain a positive, thriving CKS Family School Spirit!
Elections are held each fall for each of the following positions:
- President
- Vice president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Two representatives for each class in grades 4 through 8.
Student Council candidates will campaign each fall; speeches and election of student council to follow.
Additional Student Activities
Other student activities include:
- Archdiocesan Art Show
- Archdiocesan Song Festival
- Art Club
- Band/Piano
- Chess Club
- Geography Bee
- Spelling Bee
- Spelling Bee
- Lego Club
- Little Dental School
- Little Medical School
- Little Nursing School
- Little Pharmacy School
- Little Vet School
- Mad ScienceMath Meets
- Mini-Vinnies Service Club
- Science Fair
- Service Activities
- Writing Contests